Top 45 Famous Indian Magazines in English Language

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A magazine is a periodical work which is mainly weekly. Magazines are published from one day to weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly, yearly and also indefinitely.

Magazines are typically financed by advertising, by purchase price, by prepaid subscriptions, or a combination of all three. Magazines may be distributed through the mail, through sales at newsstands, bookstores or other vendors, or through free distribution at selected pick-up locations.

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Development of Indian Magazines has encouraged an increase in literary criticism and political debate, which was aimed at increasing the pieces over the newspapers opinion. The increased time amidst the greater amount of space for print and writing provided a forum for public arguments by scholars and critical observers.

The top Indian Magazines (In English language) list are as follows:

S.No. Magazine Name Category Action
1 Forbes India Business Read More
2 PCQuest Technology Read More
3 Filmfare Entertainment Read More
4 Outlook News Read More
5 Digit Technology Read More
6 Business Today Business Read More
7 Better Interiors Architect Read More
8 Time News Read More
9 Top Gear Sports Read More
10 Reader’s Digest General Interest Read More
11 Dataquest Technology Read More
12 Femina India Fashion Read More
13 CFO India Finance Read More
14 Better Photography Photography Read More
15 Business India Business Read More
16 Business World Business Read More
17 GQ People Read More
18 Himal Southasian News Read More
19 Parent Circle Parenting Read More
20 Woman’s Era Fashion Read More
21 The Week News Read More
22 New Woman Fashion Read More
23 CHIP Technology Read More
24 Vogue Fashion Read More
25 Verve Fashion Read More
26 Tehelka News Read More
27 Today’s Traveller Travel Read More
28 The Caravan Politics Read More
29 Rock Street Journal Music Read More
30 Overdrive Automobile Read More
31 Open News (Current Affairs) Read More
32 Organiser News (Current Affairs) Read More
33 Frontline News (Current Affairs) Read More
34 FHM India Fashion Read More
35 Champak Kids Read More
36 CTO Forum Technology Read More
37 Sanctuary Asia Wildlife Read More
38 Society Lifestyle Read More
39 Tinkle Kids Read More
40 Indian Express News Read More
41 India Today News Read More
42 Sport Star Sports Read More
43 Swarajya News Read More
44 Electronics For You Technology Read More
45 Open Source For You Technology Read More
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