12 Things a Father Must Say and Teach to His Son

Father Love

A father’s role in his son’s life is irreplaceable, shaping him into a well-rounded, responsible, and compassionate individual. Here are twelve essential things every father should say and teach to his son.

  1. I Love You
  2. Get Back Up
  3. It’s Okay to Be Angry, Sad, or Depressed. It’s NOT Okay to Stay Angry, Sad, or Depressed.
  4. Treat Your Mother with Respect
  5. In Order to Get What You Want, You Have to Deserve What You Want
  6. I Don’t Know Everything
  7. You Can’t Give What You Don’t Have
  8. I Am Proud of You and Who You Are Becoming
  9. You Have What It Takes. I Believe in You.
  10. Stop Listening to What People Say and Watch What They Do
  11. You Will Be Happiest When Building Your Mind, Body, Family, Business
  12. Be a Gentleman and Stand Your Ground

1. I Love You

Love the son you have, not the son you want. Fatherly love is unconditional and the greatest motivation for a son. Expressing love openly fosters a strong bond and gives your son the emotional security he needs to grow confidently.

2. Get Back Up

Let your son learn from failure. Encourage him to persist and guide him when necessary. Embrace the wisdom of the old saying, “Fall down seven times, get up seven times.” This teaches resilience, a crucial trait for navigating life’s challenges.

3. It’s Okay to Be Angry, Sad, or Depressed. It’s NOT Okay to Stay Angry, Sad, or Depressed.

To manage emotions, one must first experience them. A father should teach his son how to understand, regulate, and move past emotions. This helps in developing emotional intelligence, which is vital for personal and professional success.

4. Treat Your Mother with Respect

A boy learns how to treat women by observing how his father treats his mother. Show respect, avoid complaining, fighting, or disrespect. This sets a strong example for your son on how to treat women and build healthy relationships.

5. In Order to Get What You Want, You Have to Deserve What You Want

The world isn’t crazy enough to reward undeserving people. Teach your son the value of hard work, integrity, and earning his achievements. This instills a strong work ethic and a sense of responsibility.

6. I Don’t Know Everything

While you are your son’s hero, it’s important for him to understand that no one knows everything. This encourages him to question authority and seek knowledge. Admitting when you’re wrong or unsure teaches humility and the importance of continuous learning.

7. You Can’t Give What You Don’t Have

Love, loyalty, empathy, happiness—these are qualities you must embody and demonstrate. Lead by example, showing your son how to cultivate these traits in himself. Your actions will be his guide.

8. I Am Proud of You and Who You Are Becoming

Recognize and celebrate your son’s efforts and growth. Encourage him to understand that while he can be anything, he can’t be everything. This helps him focus on his strengths and understand the importance of making choices.

9. You Have What It Takes. I Believe in You.

Instill a healthy competitive nature, confidence, and self-reliance in your son. A strong father lays the foundation for self-esteem, reinforcing that his son has the ability to succeed and overcome obstacles.

10. Stop Listening to What People Say and Watch What They Do

Teach your son to be discerning. Words can be deceptive, but actions reveal true intentions and character. This wisdom will help him navigate relationships and understand people better.

11. You Will Be Happiest When Building Your Mind, Body, Family, Business

Encourage your son to create more than he consumes. Building and contributing to his mind, body, family, and business will bring fulfillment and purpose. This fosters a sense of accomplishment and balance in life.

12. Be a Gentleman and Stand Your Ground

Instill a strong set of moral principles in your son. Teach him to do the right thing, even when it’s difficult or unpopular. This builds character, integrity, and respect from others.


These twelve lessons are cornerstones for a son’s development, helping him grow into a responsible, empathetic, and strong individual. A father’s guidance, love, and wisdom are instrumental in shaping his son’s future, making these teachings invaluable.

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