10 Things You MUST Know About Women


Understanding the nuances of female behavior can provide valuable insights into relationships and interactions. Here are ten essential truths about women that every man should know:

  1. Women Are Hypergamous
  2. Women Are Cold-Blooded
  3. Women Are Hornier Than Men
  4. All Women Are Capable of Being Feminine
  5. Up Means Down
  6. Women Want the Chads and Tyrones
  7. Women Want to Be Approached
  8. Attachment Means Everything
  9. Pretty Women Boost Your Sexual Market Value
  10. Status Is Power

1. Women Are Hypergamous

Hypergamy refers to the tendency of women to date or marry up in terms of social status, wealth, or other desirable qualities. Women often look for partners who can provide stability and improvement in their lives. This means men should focus on improving themselves financially, emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Striving for excellence and providing value is crucial.

2. Women Are Cold-Blooded

Women can be pragmatic in their relationships. They are often more focused on how a man makes them feel rather than the man himself. If the emotional connection wanes, they may move on without much hesitation. The only unconditional love a woman typically experiences is for her children.

3. Women Are Hornier Than Men

Contrary to common belief, women have strong sexual desires. They might be better at concealing these emotions, but once they are comfortable with a partner, they can be very passionate and adventurous.

4. All Women Are Capable of Being Feminine

A woman’s behavior often mirrors that of her partner. If a woman is acting masculine, it might be because the man is not maintaining a strong, masculine presence. Men should ensure they are decisive, confident, and purposeful to encourage feminine behavior in women.

5. Up Means Down

There can be a disconnect between what a woman says and what she does. For example, she might express a need for more time together but then lose attraction when that need is met excessively. It’s important to pay more attention to her actions than her words.

6. Women Want the Chads and Tyrones

Women might claim they want a “nice guy,” but often pursue men who exhibit confidence and dominance—often referred to as “Chads” and “Tyrones.” While they may settle for a nice guy when looking to settle down, this usually happens after they have had their fun. Men should be aware of this dynamic and not become the fallback option.

7. Women Want to Be Approached

Women generally appreciate being approached and shown interest. If a woman doesn’t respond positively, it’s usually because she’s not interested or having a bad day. Having the confidence to approach women increases the chances of successful interactions.

8. Attachment Means Everything

Women can be ruthless in relationships unless they are emotionally attached. When deeply attached, a woman will be loyal, feminine, and cooperative. Maintaining your purpose and confidence will help foster this attachment and keep her committed.

9. Pretty Women Boost Your Sexual Market Value

Being seen with attractive women can enhance your appeal to other women. This social proof creates curiosity and increases your attractiveness. Surrounding yourself with desirable women signals that you have qualities worth exploring.

10. Status Is Power

Status often holds more importance than money or physical attractiveness for women. Achieving greatness and gaining status will naturally attract women. Striving for excellence in your field or social circle can significantly enhance your desirability.


Understanding these aspects of female nature can help men navigate their relationships and interactions with women more effectively. While these points offer valuable insights, it’s important to remember that every individual is unique and these generalizations may not apply universally. Strive for self-improvement, maintain confidence, and always approach relationships with respect and authenticity.

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